The Journey of YMCA Penang

I see YMCA Penang as a Christian Centre where young people take the lead in social responsibilities as global citizens.
To build our young people for the future by empowering them to make a difference in building just and peaceful communities as global citizens.
Developing personal growth and fulfilling our social responsibility to the local community, especially the youth
Create a sustainable environment where all people could improve quality of life through our services
Foster intercultural harmony through mutual tolerance and understanding
Core Values
The YMCA Penang Leadership

YMCA Penang Leadership
Geh Cheng Lok
Tan Chooi Lye
Jerry Choo Soon Haw
Peter Lee Chin Oon
Board of Directors & Committees 2023/24
President/Chairman, Governance Committees
Jerry Choo Soon Haw
Vice President/Chairman, Pusat Majudiri, Y-Committee
Michael Cheong Zhi Xian
2nd Vice President/Chairman, Programme & Coordinating Committee
Peter Lee Chin Oon
Honorary Secretary
Alan Goh Tuck Meng
Honorary Treasurer
Asher Leo Sanm Yerng
Chairman, Human Resources Committee
Bobby Geh Thuan Chee
Chairman, Membership Committe
Ho Yik Tuck
Chairman, Youth & Sports Committee
Daniel Cheong Zhi Liang
Chairman, Christian Care Committee
Dr. Mallise Tong Mun Wah
Chairman, Community Education Committee
Jolene Kok Khoon Thai
Chairman, Building & Amenities Committee
Titus Lim Daw Yih
Terrie Loo Khooi Hoon
Sherwynd Ryan Kessler
Joel Goh Wee Bin
Tan Swan Teck
Lim Seong Hoon
Choo Cheah Seok Hun
Robert S. Moses
Immediate Past President
Geh Cheng Lok
Honorary Legal Adviser
Mary Yeo Chew Yen
Honorary Adviser (Financial Affairs)
Teh Keng Loon
World YMCA Movement
World YMCA
Presently, there are more than 10,000 local YMCA associations operating in 120 countries worldwide covering metropolitan and local municipalities. The international YMCA Movement had grown to reach 65,000,000 individuals inclusive of benefactors, members, staff, program participants and volunteers.

In every country and region there is a council of YMCAs which oversees and provides support to other local YMCA associations. Whereas, the World Alliance of YMCAs, based in Geneva, Switzerland is a confederation of the entire body of National Councils of YMCA throughout the world.
In every country and region there is a council of YMCAs which oversees and provides support to other local YMCA associations. Whereas, the World Alliance of YMCAs, based in Geneva, Switzerland is a confederation of the entire body of National Councils of YMCA throughout the world.

Each YMCA organisation is deeply rooted to their communities and serves the local members autonomously. The World Council of YMCA has established guiding principles. Adhering to these guiding principles, YMCA Penang is committed to play an instrumental role to strengthen communities and nurture the spirit, mind and bodies of youths through a wide array of programs and services.

The YMCA is recognised as one of the oldest and largest youth movements in the world, and as a public service organisation that collaborated with international organisations, religious groups, local governments, citizen’s groups and other bodies to strengthen communities and fulfil its mission. In 1947, the United Nations Economic and Social Council awarded the World Alliance of YMCAs a special consultative status for the movement's role in addressing economic and social challenges within communities throughout the world.