The first Y.M.C.A. in Penang was founded in 1905. According to the first President of the resuscitated Y.M.C.A., Mr. G.H. Goh in his President’s message in the Program of Y.M.C.A. Fun Fair on 6th February 1965 said;

“About 60 years ago the Young Men’s Christian Association of Penang was first started by the Reverend G. F. Pykett with the help of a few friends, including the minister of the Presbyterian Church of Penang. This was recorded in the minutes of the Presbyterian Church in Penang. The first clubhouse was at the corner of Burmah Road and Moulmein Road. The membership then consisted of mostly Britishers and a few Americans.

Y.M.C.A. Penang started the first Boys Scouts Troop in Penang under Scoutmaster Mr. E. Roberts, an Australian, with Assistance Scoutmasters Mr. George Pykett and myself. The Y.M.C.A. was also the first organization in Penang to start the St. John’s Ambulance Classes in First Aid under two Municipal health officers – Dr. Rose as the lecturer and Dr. Park as the examiner. The Boy Scouts Troop was started about 1910 and the St. John’s Ambulance Classes in early 1907.

In the course of time, Y.M.C.A. Penang closed down as it had served its purpose of providing a hostel for the young European assistants in Penang. Two other attempts to revive the Y.M.CA. in Penang failed because of lack of leadership and the absence of a permanent headquarters.”

The story of the Y.M.C.A. Penang would not have been told today were it not for the perseverance one man who believed the Y.M.C.A. was an ideal movement to spread the Christian message of love through community service. He was Mr. Geh Hun Kheng, the principal of the Pykett Methodist School, a school closely associated With Rev. G. F. Pykett, the founder of the first YMCA in Penang.
In 1958, Mr. Geh Hun Kheng called a meeting of interested Christians, many of whom were from
the Penang Wesley Methodist Church, to convene a YMCA Sponsor’s meeting on 22 Oct 1958 at
the Wesley Methodist Church, Penang for the purpose of resuscitating the movement.
During that historic meeting, Mr. Dharmaraj, the World Alliance YMCA Secretary for South and
East Asia came to help in its setup.
He advised them to first form an ad-hoc committee, to draw up a constitution, to start recruiting
new members and to identify a clubhouse with facilities for outdoor activities, indoor games and meeting rooms.
Encouraged, the pioneers, under the leadership of Mr. Geh Hun Kheng convened another meeting on 3rd Nov 1958 at the Pykett Methodist School to elect an ad-hoc committee and other office bearers.
Although he played a major role in the revival, Mr. Geh displayed wisdom and humility when he downplayed himself from a starring role to put on record that the success of Y.M.C.A. Penang depended on every member of the committee and not on any one man. These are wise words for anyone who aspires for any top position to remember. Indeed, this is what all students of any MBA course will learn, that success cannot come from the efforts of one man but the collective efforts of every team member from the CEO to the employee opening the door for the customer. So, this was the creed that guided and molded the efforts of all the directors of the Y.M.C.A. Penang even until today – to be ready to serve and not to be served.

The Ad-Hoc Committee worked tirelessly to recruit new members and to raise funds for a clubhouse. When they failed to get a room at the new ACS Union Building as a meeting place, Mr. Geh Hun Kheng came to rescue. Through his good office as the Principal of Pykett Methodist School, Y.M.C.A. Penang obtained permission not only to hold their meetings at the Pykett Methodist School but also to use the school grounds and premises for all their activities. This boost was clearly heaven-sent and the Y.M.C.A. Penang immediately started their language classes, Bible classes and classes for English Literature.

The Ad-Hoc Committee met on 31st March 1959, Y.M.C.A Penang had a membership strength of 112 members.

For more than a year, Y.M.C.A. Penang operated at the Pykett Methodist School until November 1959, when they managed to lease a bungalow with 20,000 sq. ft. of land for its headquarters and clubhouse at 211, Macalister Road, Penang. Working with urgency, the residential building was renovated into a clubhouse housing an office, a library and reading room, a classroom, 2 hostel rooms, a meeting room and games and recreation rooms for its various activities.

By the time the renovation was completed, Y.M.C.A. Penang was able to hold its Board meeting at its new premises, 211 Macalister Road, Penang from 17th November 1959 onwards. Throughout its early years, Y.M.C.A. Penang was blessed to receive the camaraderie and support from the World Alliance of YMCAs. To help the fledgling Y.M.C.A. Penang, Mr. Maynard Catching’s, Fraternal Secretary to Indonesia came to help out as the pro-tem General Secretary. Y.M.C.A. Penang also received a grant of $6,000.00 from the Asia Foundation.


In 1961, an opportunity arose for Y.M.C.A. Penang to own the property on which its clubhouse stood when the owner decided to sell the land. One condition of the sale was that the purchaser had to buy the whole piece of land. However, the clubhouse stood on only 1/3 of the land. Determined and very sure of their mission and the work that they are doing, the directors took a step of faith when they entered negotiations to purchase the property. After protracted negotiations, during which time, Mr. G.H. Goh fell sick, his wife took over the negotiations and successfully agreed to the purchase price of $90,000.00.
Y.M.C.A. Penang then obtained the support of the Cantonese Church and Mr. Tye Poh Sun to purchase the balance of 2/3 of the property at $40,000.00 each. The balance $10,000.00 was raised through donations from philanthropic leaders headed by Mrs. G.H. Goh, wife of the President, Mr. Heah Joo Seang and the directors.

Thus, Y.M.C.A. Penang realized its dream and became the proud owner of a clubhouse with 20,000 sq. ft. of land. This has continued to function as the clubhouse of the Association until years later the adjoining price of land was purchased to build a multi-storey complex.

The ability of Y.M.C.A. Penang to raise money to purchase the property was a testament to the foresight and dedication of the early founders.


196O was a landmark year for Y.M.C.A. Penang because of the many significant events that took place at its headquarters and clubhouse. First, the news of the OFFICIAL OPENING of its clubhouse on 16th January 1960 was carried in all the local newspapers. It was a proud occasion for the founding directors as this served to introduce Y.M.C.A. Penang to the local community.

Second, on 29th March 1960, Y.M.C.A. Penang held its 1st Annual General Meeting at its clubhouse at 211, Macalister Road.

Third, on 2nd May 1960, Y.M.C.A. Penang was officially registered under Section 5 of the Societies Ordinance 1949, Malaya and thus, becoming a legal entity.

Immediately the Board began to start various fund-raising campaigns and activities so that it can support and carry out worthy community causes and activities. Some of the most successful campaigns were its membership drive and food and fun fair.

On 16th January 1960, the first Governor of Penang, His Excellency Raja Tun Uda bin Raja Muhammad S.M.N., K.B.E., C.M.G. officiated the opening of the Y.M.C.A. Penang clubhouse at 211, Macalister Road, Penang. Present were the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee, his wife and many other state and church leaders.